“We need to take action,
to limit our impact on the world”

What can you do?

Falling Mountains was created using all filming, production and post production services situated within a 20km radius.
The film was registered with wearealbert.org, using their carbon calculator & has been awarded Albert certification.

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Get informed.

Seek out information on the main contributors to the climate crisis in your region. There are many sources of accurate information, and there may
be a community group in your area. For further information on current trends in the Alps: Creamontblanc.org . Further sources of information: 350.org, wwf.panda.org, goodplanet.org

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Assess your impact.

Find out your own carbon footprint and think about what changes you could make to reduce your impact. Is there anything your community could do to reduce its footprint? You won’t be able to change everything overnight, but you may be surprised at how easy it is to make small changes. It all adds up.

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Make changes.

We can’t all have zero impact, but we can make changes in the right direction. Anything from eating less meat, going on more adventures closer to home, voting for sustainable policies, joining a community group, starting a local compost heap, reducing your household waste, supporting local businesses, to using a search engine that plants trees when used or donating to organisations that support female education… the list goes on!


For screening requests, further information & updates, or to contact any of the organisations or people in the film, please enter your contact info: